ASL Dictionary Letter O

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Up Obedient
Both 'A' hands, palms facing, are positioned at either side of the head. They are thrown open and out, ending in the '5' position, palms up. The head is bowed slightly at the same time.
Up Object
complain, protest)

The curved fingers of the right hand are thrust forcefully into the chest.
Up Observe The tips of the right 'V' fingers point to the eyes. The right hand is then swung around and forward a bit.
Up Obvious Both hands are held at chest height, palms out, all fingertips together. They open into the '5' position in unison, the right hand moving toward the right and the left toward the left. The palms of both hands remain facing out.
Up Occasional
(sometimes, once in a while)
The right index finger, resting in the open left palm, which is facing right, swings up slowly from its position to one in which it is pointing straight up. The movement is repeated slowly, after a pause.
Up Odd
The 'C' hand describes a small arc in front of the face.
Up Odor The upturned right hand moves slowly up to and past the nose, and the signer breathes in as the hand sweeps by.
Up Offer Both hands, slightly cupped, palms up, are held close to the chest. They move up and out in unison, describing a very slight arc.
Up Off the subject The left index finger is held either straight up or pointing forward. The right index finger moves sharply off to the left, striking the left index as it does.
Up Often The left hand, open in the '5' position, palm up, is held before the chest. The right hand, in the right-angle position, fingers pointing up, arches over and into the left palm. This is repeated several times.
(adjective and adverb)
The right hand, fingers together and palm facing left, is placed in the upturned left palm, whose fingers point away from the body. The right hand slides straight out along the left palm, over the left fingers, and stops with its heel resting on the left fingertips.
The letters 'O' and 'K' are fingerspelled.
Up Old The right hand grasps an imaginary beard at the chin and pulls it downward.
Up Olympics The thumbs and index fingers of both hands interlock several times.
Up On
The right hand is placed on the back of the downturned left hand.
Up Once in a while
(sometimes, now and then)
The right index finger, resting in the open left palm, which is facing right, swings up slowly from its position to one in which it is pointing straight up. The movement is repeated slowly after a pause.
Up One more The right hand is held palm up, with the index finger making very small and rapid beckoning movements.
Up Only The index finger, pointing straight up, palm facing the body, is rotated before the face in a counterclockwise direction.
Up On the contrary With index fingertips touching initially, both hands move away from each other.
Up Open Place the thumbs and index fingers of both flat hands together with palms facing forward. Move both hands sideways in opposite directions.
Up Open the door The 'B' hands, palms out and edges touching, are drawn apart and then come together again.
Up Open the window With both palms facing the body, the little finger edge of the right hand rests atop the index finger edge of the left hand. The right hand then moves straight up.
Up Opera The right '5' hand, palm facing left, is waved back and forth over the downturned left hand. (The letter 'O' may also be used) The mouth may be held open in song.
Up Operation
The thumb of the right 'A' hand is drawn straight down across the upright left palm or across the lower chest or stomach region.
Up Opinion The right 'O' hand circles before the forehead several times.
Up Opponent The two index fingers, after pointing to each other, are drawn sharply apart. Both open hands, palms facing each other, move down the sides of the body, tracing its outline to the hips.
Up Opportunity Both 'O' hands are held palms down, side by side. They swing up a bit as they assume the 'P' position.
Up Oppose The tips of the right fingers, held together, are thrust purposefully into the open left palm, whose fingers are also together and pointing forward.
Up Opposite The tips of the extended index fingers touch before the chest, the right finger pointing left and the left finger pointing right. The fingers then draw apart sharply to either side.
Up Or The 'A' hands, palms facing and thumbs pointing straight up, move alternately up and down before the chest.
Up Orange
(fruit or color)
The right 'C' hand is held at the mouth. The hand opens and closes deliberately, as if squeezing an orange.
Up Orange
(fruit only)
The thumbtip of the right 'Y' hand moves over the back of the left 'S' hand, which is held palm down or palm facing the body.
Up Order
(verbal command)
The tip of the index finger of the 'D' hand, palm facing the body, is placed at the closed lips. It moves around and out, rather forcefully.
Up Order
(put in order)
The hands, palms facing, fingers together and pointing away from the body, are positioned at the left side and held about a foot apart. With a slight up-down motion, as if describing waves, the hands travel in unison from left to right.
Up Organization
(group, corporation)
Both 'C' hands, palms facing, are held a few inches apart at chest height. They are swung around in unison, so that the palms now face the body.
Up Organization
Both 'O' hands are held with palms facing out and thumb edges touching. The hands swing apart, around, and come together again with little finger edges touching.
Up Origin The right index finger, resting between the left index and middle fingers, executes a half turn, once or twice.
Up Orphan The right 'O' hand is placed first at the chin and then at the temple.
Up Other The right 'A' hand, thumb up, is pivoted from the wrist and swung over to the right, so that the thumb now points to the right.
Up Ought to The right hand, in the 'X' position, palm down, moves forcefully up and down once or twice. An expression of determination is frequently assumed.
Up Our
The right hand, palm facing left, is placed at the right shoulder. It swings around to the left shoulder, its palm now facing right.
Up Ourselves The right 'A' hand, thumb held straight up, is placed at the right shoulder. It executes the same movement as in "our".
Up Out The downturned open right hand, grasped loosely by the left, is drawn up and out of the left hand's grasp. As it does so, the fingers come together with the thumb. The left hand, meanwhile, closes into the 'O' position, palm facing right.
Up Outfit The thumb of the right 'Y' hand is placed at midchest, and then the hand travels down so that the little finger of the same 'Y' hand touches the trousers or skirt.
Up Over
The left hand is held before the chest, palm down and fingers together. The right hand, fingers together, glides over the left, with the right middle finger touching the top of the left hand.
Up Over again The left hand, in the '5' position, palm up, is held before the chest. The right hand, in the right-angle position, fingers pointing up, arches up and over into the left palm.
Up Overcome The right 'S' hand, placed across the left 'S' hand, moves over and down a bit.
Up Own
(verb and adjective)
The downturned right hand, fingers open, is brought up to the chest, where the fingers come together.
Up Oxygen The signer fingerspells 'O-2' - , dropping the hand a bit for the "2".

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ASL Numbers 1-10 | ASL Alphabet

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M
| N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

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Many of these definitions are from the "American Sign Language Concise Dictionary" Copyright © 1994 by Martin L.A. Sternberg
Hand signs from the ASL Fingerspell (amslan) font.
Special thanks to the creators of the Michigan State University ASL Browser Web Site for providing the animated signs.