Gamble |
The signer grasps imaginary dice in the closed fist, shakes them up, and throws them out. |
Game |
The hands are held in the 'A' position, thumbs pointing straight up, palms facing the body. They come together forcefully, moving down a bit as they do, and the knuckles of one hand strike those of the other. |
Garden |
The right 'G' hand circles counterclockwise around the downturned open left hand. |
Garlic |
The right hand, in the claw position, fingers placed at the open mouth, spins forward. |
Gasoline |
The thumb of the right 'A' hand is placed into the hole formed by the left 'O' hand. |
Gate |
The fingertips of both open hands touch each other before the body, palms toward the chest, thumbs pointing upward. Then the right fingers swing forward and back to their original position several times, imitating the movement of a gate opening and closing. |
Gather (gathering objects) |
The right '5' hand, fingers curved and palm facing left, sweeps across and over the upturned left palm several times, in a circular movement. |
Gather (assemble a meeting) |
Both '5' hands, palms facing, are held with fingers pointing out from the body. With a sweeping motion they are brought in toward the chest, and all fingertips come together. This is repeated. |
Generous |
Both right-angle hands roll over each other as they move down and away from their initial position at the heart. |
Gentleman |
The right hand grasps the edge of an imaginary cap. The thumb of the right '5' hand is placed slowly and deliberately on the right side of the chest. |
Get (got, gotten, getting) |
Both hands, in the '5' position, fingers curved, are crossed at the wrist, with the left palm facing right, and the right palm facing left. They are brought in toward the chest, while closing into a grasping 'S' position. |
Gift |
Both 'A' hands, with index fingers somewhat draped over the tips of the thumbs, are held palms facing in front of the chest. They are pivoted forward and down, in unison, from the wrist. |
Giggle |
Both index fingers, at each corner of the mouth, move back quickly and repeatedly, as is forcing the mouth to open in laughter. |
Girl |
The thumb of the right 'A' hand moves down along the line of the right jaw, from ear almost to chin. The downturned open right hand is then held at waist level, indicating the short height of the female. |
Give |
The right 'O' hand is held before the right shoulder and then moved outward in an arc, away from the body. |
Glad |
The open right hand, palm facing the body, strikes the heart repeatedly, moving up and off the heart after each strike. |
Glass (the material) |
The index finger is brought up to touch the exposed front teeth. |
Glass (for drinking) |
The little finger edge of the right 'C' hand rests in the upturned left palm. The right hand moves straight up a few inches, tracing the shape of a drinking glass. |
Glasses (for vision) |
The thumb and index finger of the right hand, placed flat against the right temple, move back toward the right ear, tracing the lines formed by the eyeglass frame. |
Go |
Point both index fingers toward each other and rotate them around each other as they are moved away from the body. |
Goal |
The index finger of the right 'D' hand touches the forehead, and then moves up to the index finger of the left 'D' hand, which is held above eye level. The two index fingers stop just short of touching. |
Godfather |
The right '2' hand is twisted around, and then the tip of the thumb of the right '5' hand is placed against the right forehead or temple. (The signer may make the two signs in reverse order.) |
Godmother |
The right '2' hand is twisted around, and then the tip of the thumb hand of the right '5' hand is placed against the right cheek. (The signer may make the two signs in reverse order.) |
Gold |
The earlobe is pinched, and then the sign for yellow is made: The 'Y' hand, pivoted at the wrist, is shaken back and forth repeatedly. |
Good |
One or both thumbs are held up. |
Goodbye |
The right open hand waves back and forth several times. (Also the sign for hello.) |
Government |
The right index finger, pointing toward the right temple, describes a small clockwise circle and comes to rest on the right temple. |
Graduate |
The right 'G' hand makes a single clockwise circle, and drops down into the upturned left palm. |
Granddaughter |
The 'G' is formed with the right hand. The sign for "daughter" is then make: The female prefix sign is formed, with the thumb of the right hand tracing a line on the right jaw from just below the ear to the chin. The right upturned arm then rests on its left counterpart, as is holding a baby. |
Grandfather |
The thumbtip of the right '5' hand touches the right temple a number of times. Then both open hands, palms up, are extended in front of the chest, as if supporting a baby. From this position they sweep over the left shoulder. The whole sign is smooth and continuous. |
Grandmother |
The thumb of the right '5' hand rests of the right cheek, or on the right chin bone. The rest of the sign follows that for Grandfather. |
Grandson |
The 'G' is formed with the right hand. The sign for "son" is then made: The male prefix sign is formed, the thumb and extended fingers of the right hand are brought up to grasp an imaginary cap brim. The right upturned arm then rests on its left counterpart, as if holding a baby. |
Graph |
The right 'G' hand traces the imaginary up-down lines of a graph in the air. |
Grass |
The index and thumb of the right 'G' hand are pushed up through the left hand, which forms a cup. |
Gravity |
The right 'G' hand, positioned under the downturned left palm, drops straight down. |
Gray |
The open '5' hand, fingers pointing to one another and palms facing the body, alternately swing in toward and out from the body. Each time they do so, the fingers of one hand pass through the spaces between the fingers of the other. |
Great (large amount) |
The '5' hands face each other, fingers curved and touches. They move apart rather quickly. |
Great (excellent) |
The '5' hands, palms out and arms raised rather high, are positioned somewhat above the line of vision. The arms move abruptly forward and up once or twice. An expression of pleasure or surprise is usually assumed. |
Greedy |
Both prone open or 'V' hands are held in front of the body with fingers bent. The hands are then drawn quickly and forcefully inward, as if raking things towards oneself. |
Green |
Hold the right 'G' hand to the right while shaking it from the wrist. |
Grief |
Both '5' hands, palms facing the eyes and fingers slightly curved, drop simultaneously to a level with the mouth. The head drops slightly as the hands move down, and an expression of sadness is assumed. |
Ground (earth) |
Both hands, held upright before the body, finger imaginary pinches of soil. |
Group |
Both 'C' hands, palms facing, are held a few inches apart at chest height. They are swung around in unison, so that the palms now face the body. |
Grow (flowers) |
The right fingers, pointing up, emerge from the clove left hand, and they spread open as they do. |
Guard (guarded, guarding) |
The 'S' hands, downturned, are held side by side in front of the body, the arms almost horizontal, and the left hand in front of the right. Both arms move a short distance forward and slightly downward. |
Guess |
The right fingertip touches the forehead; then the right hand makes a quick grasping movement in front of the head, ending in the 'S' position. |
Guide (noun & verb) |
The right hand grasps the tip of the left fingers and pulls the left hand forward. |
Guilty |
The index finger edge of the right 'G' hand taps the chest over the heart. |
Gum (chewing gum) |
The thumb of the right 'A' hand, held against the right cheek, swivels forward and back several times. Alternatively, the tips of the right 'V' hand are placed at the right cheek and move in and out. |