Face |
The left hand, finger together, palm flat and facing the eyes, is held a bit above eye level. The right hand, fingers also together, is held in front of the mouth with palm facing the left hand. With a sweeping upward movement the right hand moves toward the left, which moves straight up an inch or two at the same time. |
Fahrenheit |
The thumb and index finger of the right 'F' hand move up and down the upturned left index finger. |
Fair (not unfair) |
The down turned 'B' hands, held at chest height, are brought together repeatedly, so that the index finger edges or fingertips come into contact. |
Fall (the falling of leaves) |
The left arm, held upright with palm facing back, represents a tree trunk. The right hand, fingers together and palm down, moves down along the left arm from the back of the wrist to the elbow, either once or several times. This represents the falling of leaves from the tree branches indicated by the left fingers. |
Fall (falling down) |
The down turned index and middle fingers of the right 'V' hands are placed in a standing position on the upturned left palm. The right 'V' hand flips over, coming to rest palm up on the upturned left palm. |
Fall for (swallowing the bait) |
The mouth is held wide open. The right hand, fingers pointing to the rear of the signer, moves as if to enter the mouth, but brushes the right cheek as it passes to the rear. This sign is used in the context of someone who has been duped, or has proved gullible. |
False (A lie, liar) |
The index finger of the right 'D' hand, pointing to the left, moves along the lips from right to left. |
Fame (famous) |
The extended index fingers rest on the lips or on the temples. Moving in small, continuous spirals, they move up and to either side of the head. |
Familiar |
The right fingers pat the forehead several times. |
Family |
The thumb and index fingers of both 'F' hands are in contact, palms facing. The hands swing open and around, coming together again at their little finger edges, palms now facing the body. |
Far |
The 'A' hands are held together, thumbs pointing away from the body. The right hand moves straight ahead in a slight arc. The left hand does not move. |
Fast (immediately) |
The thumb tip of the upright right hand is flicked quickly off the tip of the curved right index finger, as if shooting marbles. |
Fat |
The cheeks are puffed out and the open 'C' hands, positioned at either cheek, move away to their respective sides. |
Father (formal) |
The thumb and extended fingers of the right hand are brought to grasp an imaginary cap rim, representing the tipping of caps by men in olden days. Both hands are then held open with palms facing up, as if holding a baby. |
Father (informal) |
The thumb tip of the right '5' hand touches the right temple a number of times. The other fingers may also wiggle. |
Favorite |
The middle finger is placed against the lips and the signer assumes an expression indicating pleasure. |
Fax |
The down turned left hand undulates a little as it moves under and out of the down turned right hand. |
Fear (afraid, frightened, scared) |
Both hands fingers together, are placed side by side, palms facing the chest. They quickly open and come together over the heart, one on top of the other. |
Feedback |
Both 'F' hands are positioned in front of the face, the left facing in and the right facing out. They move in and out alternately, changing from 'F' to 'B' each time. |
Feel (emotion) |
The right middle finger, touching the heart, moves up an inch or two a number of times. |
Feel (touch) |
The tip of the middle finger of the down turned right '5' hand, touches the back of the left hand several times. |
Female (woman) |
The right 'A' hand's thumb is brought down along the side of the right jaw, from the ear to almost the chin. (This outlines the string used to tie ladies' bonnets in olden days.) |
Few |
The right 'A' hand is held palm facing up. One by one the fingers open, beginning with the index finger and ending with the little finger. (Some use only the index and middle fingers) |
(A) Few seconds ago |
The right 'D' hand, palm facing the body, is placed in the palm of the left hand, which is facing right. The right hand swings back a bit toward the body, with the index finger describing an arc. |
Figure (form, shape) |
Both 'A' hands, held about a foot apart before the face, with palms facing each other move down simultaneously in a wavy, undulating motion. |
File (to file papers) |
The left '5' hand, fingers spread, faces right. The open or 'B' right hand, palm facing the signer, moves down repeatedly between the different fingers of the left hand. |
Find (found, finding) |
The thumb and index fingers of the outstretched right hand grasp an imaginary object on the upturned left palm. The right hand then moves straight up. |
Fine (feeling fine) |
With the thumb resting on the upper part of the chest, the fingers are wiggled back and forth. |
Fine (a penalty) |
The knuckle of the right 'X' finger is nicked against the palm of the left hand, held in the '5' position, palm facing right. |
Finish |
The upright '5' hands, palms facing each other, are suddenly and quickly swung around to a palm-out position. |
Fire (flames) |
The '5' hands are held with palms facing the body. They move up and down alternately, while the fingers wiggle. |
Fire (loose job) (a gun) |
The upturned open right hand is swung sharply over the index finger edge of the left 'S' hand, whose palm faces right. |
Firefighter |
The right 'B' hand, palm out, is placed above the forehead. |
First |
The right index finger touches the upturned left thumb. |
Flat tire |
The right hand, palm down and fingers pointing forward, is placed with thumb on top of left hand. The right hand closes down suddenly on the right thumb, imitating a flat tire. |
Flatter |
The fingertips of the right hand, pointing forward or left, brush back and forth against the upright left index finger. |
Flirt |
The '5' hands, thumbs touching, swing alternately up and down. The fingers sometimes wiggle. |
Flower |
The right hand, grasping an imaginary flower, holds it first against the right nostril and then against the left. |
Flunk |
The right 'F' hand strikes forcefully against the open left palm, which faces right with fingers pointing forward. |
Flute |
The signer mimes playing a flute. |
Fly (in a plane) |
The 'Y' hand, palm down and drawn up near the shoulder, moves forward, up and away from the body. Either hand may be used. |
Focus (concentrating) |
Both hands, fingers pointing up and together, are held at the sides of the face. They move straight out from the face. |
Follow |
The 'A' hands are used, thumbs pointing up. The right is positioned a few inches behind the left. The left hand moves straight forward, while the right follows behind in a series of wavy movements. |
Food (eat, meal) |
The closed right hand goes through the natural motions of placing food in the mouth. This movement is repeated. |
Foolish |
The right 'Y' hand, thumb almost touching the forehead, is shaken back and forth across the forehead several times. |
Foot (measurement) |
The left hand is held palm down. The heel of the right 'F' hand is placed on the left wrist, and then moves in an arc to the left fingertips. |
Football |
The '5' hands, facing each other, are interlocked suddenly. They are drawn apart and the action is repeated. |
Friend |
The right and left hands are interlocked at the index fingers. The hands separate, change their relative positions, and come together again as before. |
Fun |
The index and middle fingers of the right 'U' hand, whose palm faces the body, are placed on the nose. The right hand swings down in an arc, and palm down, the 'U' fingers strike their left counterparts on the downturned left 'U' hand, and either stop at that point or continue on. |