ASL Dictionary Letter I

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Up I
The signer points to himself/herself.
Up I Love You A single sign is made from the letters I, L, and Y.
This sign is also used in an affectionate manner to show one's appreciation toward others.
Up Ice The fingers of the '5' hands, held palms down, stiffen and contract.
Up Ice cream The upturned left palm represents a dish or plate. The curved index and middle fingers of the right hand represent the spoon. They are drawn up repeatedly from the left palm to the lips.
Up Ice Skate (ing) The upturned 'X' hands move back and forth in a graceful way, representing the upturned blades of the ice skates.
Up If The two 'F' hands, palms facing each other, move alternately up and down.
Up Ignorant The back of the right 'V' hand strikes the forehead once or twice. Two fingers represent prison bars across the mind--the mind is imprisoned.
Up Ignore The index finger of the right 'B' hand is placed under the tip of the nose. From this position the right hand moves straight forward, away from the face.
Up Ill The right middle finger rests on the forehead, and its left counterpart is placed against the stomach. The signer assumes an expression of sadness or physical distress.
Up Imagination With the 'I' position on the right hand, palm facing the body, touch the little finger to the forehead, and then move the hand up and away in a circular clockwise motion. The hand may also be move up and away without the circular motion.
Up Immediately The thumbtip of the upright right hand is flicked quickly off the tip of the curved right index finger as if shooting marbles.
Up Important Both 'F' hands, palms facing each other, move apart, up, and together in a smooth elliptical fashion, coming together at the tip of the thumbs and index fingers of both hands.
Up Impossible The downturned right 'Y' hand is placed in the upturned left palm a number of times. The up-down movement is very slight.
Up Improve The little finger edge of the right hand rests on the back of the downturned left hand. It moves up the left arm in successive stages, indicating improvement or upward movement.
Up In
(into, enter)
Move the closed fingers of the right hand into the left 'C' hand.
Up In a few days The thumb of the right 'A' hand is positioned on the right cheek. One by one, the remaining fingers appear, starting with the index finger. Usually, when all five fingers have been presented, the hand moves forward a few inches, to signify the concept of the future.
Up In a week The upright, right 'D' hand is placed palm-to-palm against the left '5' hand, whose palm faces right. The right 'D' hand moves along the left palm from base to fingertips and then curves to the left, around the left fingertips.
Up In the future The upright, open right hand, palm facing left, moves straight out and slightly up from a position beside the right temple.
Up Inch The upturned left thumb is bent while the thumb and index finger of the right hand rest on the tip and first joint of the bent thumb to indicate its length.
Up Incident Both 'D' hands, index fingers pointing away from the body, are simultaneously pivoted over so that the palms face down.
Up Include The left hand is held in the 'C' position, fingers pointing right. The right hand, in the '5' position, fingers facing out from the body, palm down, is held above the left. With a horizontal swing to the right, the right hand describes an arc, as the fingers close and are thrust into the left 'C' hand, which closes over it.
Up Income The outstretched open left hand, held palm facing right, moves in toward the body, assuming the 'A' position, palm still facing right. This is repeated several times.
Up Increase The index and middle fingers of the right 'H' hand, palm up, are swung up and over until they come to rest on the index and middle fingers of the left 'H' hand, held palm down.
Up Independence The 'S' hands, crossed in front of the body, swing apart and face out.
Up Individual
Both open hands, palms facing each other, move down the sides of the body, tracing its outline to the hips. This is an important suffix sign, that changes a verb to a noun. (Example: Teach becomes teacher by the addition of this sign.)
Up Infection The fingertips of the right 'O' hand, palms facing the signer, are resting on the back of the downturned left hand. The right fingertips spread apart as the right hand moves slightly towards the signer.
Up Inflation
The base of the right 'I' hand rests on the left hand. It spirals upward.
Up Influence The left hand, held limp in front of the body, has its fingers pointing down. The fingers of the right hand, held all together, are placed on the top of the left hand, and then move forward, off the left hand, assuming a '5' position, palm down.
Up Inform
The fingertips are positioned on either side of the forehead. Both hands then swing down and out, opening into the upturned '5' position.
Up Injure
The 'D' hands, index fingers pointing to each other, are rotated in elliptical fashion before the chest--simultaneously but in opposite directions.
Up Inner feelings The left 'C' hand is held near the base of the throat, palm facing the body. The right hand, fingers closed, is stuffed into the left. This sign should be made a bit slowly and deliberately.
Up Innocent Both open hands, palms facing out, are held in front of the mouth, with the ring fingers bent against the palm. Both hands move out and away from the mouth, describing arcs.
Up Inquire The right hand, held in a modified 'S' position, with palm facing out, assumes a position with the thumb resting on the fingernail of the index finger. The index finger is flicked out and forward, usually directed at the person being asked a question.
Up Insane The open right hand is held palm down before the face, fingers spread, bent, and pointing the forehead. The fingers move in circles before the forehead.
Up Insect The thumb of the '3' hand rests against the nose, and the index and middle fingers bend slightly and straighten again a number of times.
Up Inspire Both hands, fingers touching thumbs, are placed against the chest, with palms facing the body. They slide up the chest, opening into the '5' position.
Up Instruct
The fingertips of each hand are placed on the temples. They then swing out and open into the '5' position.
Up Insult
Both index fingers, pointing out from the body, execute continuous alternate forward movements.
Up Intelligent The middle finger is placed at the forehead, and then the hand, with an outward flick, turns around so that the palm faces outward. This indicates a brightness flowing from the mind.
Up Intend
(intent, intention)
The right index finger touches the middle of the forehead. The tips of the right 'V' hand, palm down, are then thrust into the upturned left palm. The right 'V' hand is then re-thrust into the upturned left palm, with right palm now facing the body.
Up Interest
(interested, interesting)
The index and middle fingers of both hands, one above the other, are placed on the middle part of the chest. Both hands move forward simultaneously. As they do, the index and middle fingers of each hand come together.
Up Interfere
The left hand, fingers together and palms flat, is held before the body, facing somewhat down. The little finger side of the right hand, held with palm flat, makes on or several up-down chopping motions against the left hand, between its thumb and index finger.
Up Interpret The 'F' hands are held palms facing and thumbs and index fingers in contact with each other. The hands swing around each other, reversing their relative position.
Up Interrogate
The right hand, held in a modified 'S' position with palms facing out, assumes a position with the thumb resting on the fingernail of the index finger. The index finger is flicked out and forward, usually directed at the person being asked the question.
Up Interrupt The left hand, fingers together and palm flat, is held before the body, facing somewhat down. The little finger side of the right hand, held with palm flat, makes one or several up-down chopping motions against the left hand, between its thumb and index finger.
Up Intersect
The extended index fingers move toward each other at right angles and cross.
Up Intoxicate
The thumbtip of the right 'Y' hand is tilted toward the mouth, as if it were a drinking glass or bottle. The signer tilts his head back slightly as if drinking.
Up Invite The open right hand, held up before the body, sweeps down in an arc and over toward the left side of the chest, ending in the palm-up position. Reversing the movement gives the passive form of the verb, except that the hand does not arc upward but rather simply moves outward in a small arc from the body.
Up Is Place the right 'I' hand on the lips and move the right hand straight forward.

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ASL Numbers 1-10 | ASL Alphabet

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M
| N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

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Many of these definitions are from the "American Sign Language Concise Dictionary" Copyright © 1994 by Martin L.A. Sternberg
Hand signs from the ASL Fingerspell (amslan) font.
Special thanks to the creators of the Michigan State University ASL Browser Web Site for providing the animated signs.