Eyelet-trimmed Quartet

BASICS * Sewing: Place pieces together, wrong sides out. Stitch on
seamline, leaving an opening for turning on stuffed projects. To stuff,
trim seam allowance to 1/4". Clip into curves and across points. Turn
right side out. Stuff. Sew opening closed.

* YOU'LL NEED: 2 pillowcases and 2 1/4 yd of 4"-wide eyelet trim
(Wrights 2013); 2 hand towels (without woven bands) and 1 1/4 yd of 2
3/8"-wide eyelet trim (Wrights 2011). For 8" x 12" pillow: 1/2 yd white
polished cotton; 2 1/2 yd each 2 3/8"- and 4"-wide eyelet trim;
polyester fiberfill. For 3 sachets: 1 yd each 4"- and 2"-wide eyelet
trim; 2 yd 3/8" pink ribbon; potpourri. For each piece: 1"-wide eyelet
beading (Wrights 2006), 3/8"-wide pink satin ribbon and Pellon
Sav-A-Stitch fusing web, all same length as eyelet trim; Wright's rose
applique; white thread.

1. Cut trim lengths in half. Cut 1/4" off long raw edge of eyelet for towel. 
2. Weave ribbon through beading with a safety pin. 
3. Cut 2 3/8"-wide strips of web same length as beading. Following 
    manufacturer's instructions, fuse one web strip along center
    back of beading. Peel off paper and fuse beading along top of eyelet. 
4. Pillowcase: With right sides together, stitch ends of trim together to
    form a circle fitting around your pillowcase. Cut excess. Towel: Cut
    trims 2" longer than towel width; stitch doubled 1/2" hem each end. 
5. Fuse the second strip of web along the back of the beading on the
    assembled trims. Fuse trim to pillowcase and towel hems. 
6. Stitch along edges of beading. 
7. With scraps of web, fuse applique to project, centered above eyelet. 
    Hand-sew edges.

1. Cut four 10" x 14" fabric rectangles. Baste 2 each together to use double. 
2. Mark outline on front for beading 1 3/4" in from edges. Starting at a 
    corner, arrange beading along line; pin mitered corners, folding end 
    under diagonally. 
3. Cut web 3/8" wide and fuse strips 1/4" inside marked rectangle. 
4. Weave ribbon through beading. Fuse beading to web on fabric. 
    Topstitch edges. 
5. Fuse rose to center front. Hand-sew edges. 
6. Ruffle: Pin 2 3/8"-wide eyelet on top of 3"-wide eyelet, right sides up, 
    raw edges matching. Zigzag raw edges. For French seam, place ends 
    together right side out; seam 1/8" from ends; turn wrong side out, 
    stitch 1/4" seam. 
7. Run 2 rows of gathering stitches 1/4" and 1/2" from raw edges. 
    Pull up gathers and pin ruffle to pillow top, right sides together, raw 
    edges matching. Baste 1/2" from edge. 
8. Stitch on basted line and stuff, following Basics (top).

1. Cut 11" strip of both eyelets (10 scallops). Right sides together, seam 
    long raw edges 1/4" from edge. Press open. 
2. Pin beading to right side over seam; topstitch edges. 
3. Fold strip right side out with ends together (match scallops; trim any 
    excess length). Stitch French seam as for Pillow. 
4. Turn right side out. Center seam on back and stitch bottom of the 4"-wide 
    eyelet closed above scallops. 
5. Sew rose to front. Run ribbon through beading. Fill bag with potpourri. 
    Tie bow.

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