Typeface Previews

for our font loving visitors at

The Master's Tech Home

The right typefaces accentuate your text
like the right seasonings flavor your meal.
With the right combination and arrangement
Your written works come alive with character.

elcome to the typeface previews at The Master's Tech Home.

Whether you use typefaces professionally, like to create written presentations, or just want to look at the variety of fonts which are available today, this site will provide you with an invaluable resource.

How often have you been searching for that certain look in a typeface, but in order to find what you want, you have to download and preview hundreds of fonts...or buy a font collection without really knowing which styles each font family has, what format they are in, or what characters they have? It is difficult to decipher how a typeface will present itself with only the one word sample that so many package covers provide.

The Shareware Collection includes the font files which you can download if you wish. This collection also includes some freeware fonts. Please read the documentation which accompanies each font file to determine which fonts are shareware and which are freeware. (Shareware allows you to try the font and pay for it if you choose to use it. Freeware allows you to keep and use the font with no payment required.)

We hope you enjoy browsing these typeface previews. You can also search for fonts by name, using the search form below. A lot of work went into creating this typeface preview site. But then again, being a font lover makes the work enjoyable. ;-)  Any comments and suggestions are welcomed.

If you would like to have one or more of your fonts displayed with The Master's Tech Home font previews, send an email to masterstech@masterstech-home.com with "Font Collection display request" in the subject line, and we can take care of the details.

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The search terms you input do not have to be complete words. For example, "free," will match occurrences of free, freedom, freeforall, etc.
Do not include asterisks or other non-alphanumeric characters in your search terms unless you actually want them included (as with "C++") as part of your search.

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These fonts are shareware, freeware, or otherwise available for downloading from the Internet and many Online services.
All rights are retained by their respective creators.

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Ligatures last added on Sunday, Jul. 23, 2023