Witch in a Basket

A large basket; 1/2 yd black felt; 18" x 28" fabric for
cape; 1 pair flesh-colored pantyhose; striped socks or knit fabric; 2 oz
orange yarn for hair; 5/8" black and white or plain black buttons for
eyes; flesh-colored thread; polyester stuffing; glue gun; stiff
cardboard; 1 yd each purple and green grosgrain ribbon; orange, green
and purple acrylic paint for basket; 12" wired chenille stem.

If you want to paint the basket, do it first, making simple
patterns as shown in photo, right. Arms (1 piece): Cut a 9" x 33" piece
of felt. Overlap long edges 1/2" and glue. Trim length, if necessary, to
fit along part of the basket rim. Hands: Cut 5" from the toe end of each
stocking foot. Stuff. Make 1"-long straight stitches over closed ends to
separate fingers. Glue one hand to arm. Stuff arm; glue other hand to
open end. Head: Cut two 11" lengths from stocking leg. Insert one in the
other; knot at bottom. Stuff to make head about 9" long; knot at top.
Nose: Fold chenille stem in half. Wrap with stuffing and cover with
stocking; sew edges closed. Bend to shape. Face: Sew eyes and nose to
face. Stitch mouth with backstitches, digging into the stuffing. Cut a
few "teeth" from white paper; glue to mouth. Assembly: Glue arms to
basket rim and head to arms. Hair: Wind yarn evenly along an 8"-high x
12"-wide cardboard. Hand-sew strands together along one edge; cut yarn
at opposite edge. Sew or glue hair around head, leaving a bald spot on
top. Wind bangs on 2" x 5" cardboard; glue across forehead. Hat: Cut a
14" square of black felt for brim. Fold in quarters to form a 7" square.
Round off the outer corner (edge with no folds). Cut a curve 2" from
inner corner. Open flat. Form a tall felt cone to fit head; glue side
closed. Cut slits along inner edge of brim about 1" apart and glue
inside cone. Let dry. Stuff lower 4" of hat and glue hat to head. Glue
purple ribbon around crown. Cape: Turn under 1" on sides and one long
edge of cape; glue or sew. Pleat and glue other long edge to fit around
neck; glue to arms. Glue bow of green ribbon to front. Legs: Cut cuffs
from socks or cut two 6" x 8" pieces of knit fabric and glue long edges
closed to form tubes. Following diagram in library, draw a pattern for a
shoe. Cut 4 felt shoes. Glue or stitch together in pairs, leaving
opening at top. Glue leg into top. Stuff. Glue top of leg closed and
glue to basket.

Witch in a Basket Display

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