* YOU'LL NEED: 12" x 29" piece of smooth 1/2" plywood; 18" x 3/4"-diam
dowel; primer; dark blue and bright yellow acrylic paint; flat
paintbrushes; wood glue; drill with 3/4" bit; sandpaper; jigsaw; clear
waterbase finish.
1. Trace star or draw a star freehand. Enlarge on a photocopier or by hand,
to 5", 7" and 11" high.
2. To shape rack, trace largest star on paper or wood. Extend curved lines from
highest and lowest points of star to right, making them gradually
closer, until shape is 29" long (or preferred length) and 5" high. Trace
a small plate to round off end. Mark center lengthwise line. Transfer
the 3 smaller stars evenly spaced along center, turned in different
directions. Mark center of each star for dowel.
3. Cut rack from wood. Cut a separate large star; glue it over the large star on
the rack; clamp to dry.
4. Following Basics (top), drill holes angled slightly downward for dowels in
center of stars. Cut 3"-long dowels (3 1/2" for large star). Paint and finish.
Screw to studs or anchors in wall or hang with sawtooth hangers on back.