Say I Love You

1. Gather together 6" squares of felt, contrasting pearl cotton or
6-strand embroidery floss, sewing thread to match felt, raw rice or
little white beans, a fabric marker, a large-eyed needle, tracing paper
and pinking shears.

2. Fold the tracing paper in half. Placing the broken line on the fold,
trace a half-heart outline. Cut out heart through both layers, open flat
and outline heart lightly on one piece of felt.

3. Block-print words of love, friendship or advice in the center of the
heart. Then embroider the lettering in backstitch with the pearl cotton
or floss.

4. Pin the heart square faceup over another square of felt. Stitch on
the outline, leaving a 1 1/2" opening. Fill the heart with rice or
beans. Finish sewing. Trim the edge with pinking shears, about 1/4"
outside the outline.

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