Title: Cooking Rice on the Stove

	This is gonna seem so simple that you won't believe that it will work, but it does. 
The thing with rice cooking is that folks tend to make it too hard.  Get out a nice heavy
pan with a tight fitting lid. (Visions is nice for this cause you can see what's going on in
the pot.) Get a bag of normal ol' long grain rice++not Rice-A-Roni or Uncle Ben's or any
of that "converted" stuff.  Dump as much into the pot as you like (one cup dry makes
about three cups cooked).

	At this point, you can either rinse it or not.  If you don't the rice will be a tad stickier
when done.  (That makes it good for eating with chopsticks.) If you rinse it well it will be
a tad "fluffier".

	Personally, over the years I've come to NOT rinse my rice.  It's just too much work
and I can't really see that much difference in the finished product.

	Level the rice in the pot and place your index finger so that it just touches the surface
of the rice.  Add water until the level comes just up to the crease at the backside of the
top of the first knuckle on your index finger.  Crank the heat up on the stove quite high
and put the pot of rice on the burner.  Stir the rice lightly before it comes to a boil, just
once, so it doesn't stick.  Let the shebang come to a full, rolling boil, then lower the heat
to about medium. Let it boil, UNDISTURBED, until the free water evaporates and little
holes appear in the surface of the rice.

	When this stage is reached, immediately lower the heat to the lowest setting possible
(one of those "flame tamers" that you set on the burner can be helpful here), cover the
rice and let it simmer and steam for about twenty minutes. DO NOT LIFT THE LID
shout. ;-} When the time has passed you will have a pot of perfectly cooked rice. Fluff it
a bit when you put it in the serving dish.  No complex procedures, no measurements
and very little fuss and muss...

	This is an old Chinese method of cooking rice and it works regardless of the amount
of rice used.  Just remember the "first knuckle rule" and things should work well.  I
don't add salt to mine, but I don't imagine that it would cause any problems.  I've never
cooked brown rice this way, but I imagine it would work if you doubled the steaming
time. Another easy way to get perfect rice is to buy one of those Japanese rice cookers.
They run around forty bucks and are really quite good at what they do. I'm using onea
made by Hitachi that works very well.

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