Title: Cooking Corned Beef

	Wash under running water to remove surface brine.

	Cover with boiling water and simmer, allowing about 1 hour per pound, or until a
fork can penetrate to center.  Always slice corned beef very thin, diagonally across the

	A classic accompaniment of corned beef served hot is:

	Cabbage wedges simmered with the beef the last 15 minutes of cooking. Serve hot
with: Horseradish Sauce Boiled Potatoes Gnocchi with Farina

	Serve corned beef cold with: Horseradish

	To press for slicing, cool the meat and force it into a deep pan; cover and refrigerate
weighted.  The moisture pressed from the meat should form a jellied coating. After
cooking corned beef as in 1, above, you may coat it with the following glaze and bake in
a preheated 350F oven for 15 minutes or until the topping is set. 

Combine and mix well:
     1 tablespoon brown sugar 
     1 tablespoon water 
     1 tablespoon soy sauce 
     2 teaspoons paprika
     1/2 teaspoon ginger

	Tenderized corned beef can now be bought for oven roasting; follow manufacturer's

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