Web Development Pointers


Macintosh Web Development Meta Index

Pages That Contain Lists of Links to Other Pages

Apple Networking Products - Internet Server Solution
The Apple Internet Server Solution is a virtual "WWW server in a box" -- an all- in-one solution that consists of a Workgroup Server and a CD-ROM that contains the software you need to establish a presence on the Web.
MacHTTP (Webstar) Home Page
Chuck Shottons Home page for his Macintosh based WWW server software. This page contains pointers to tools and utilities to use with MacHTTP.
Macintosh WWW Information
Jon Wiederspan's Main Page. Jon maintains one of the most complete collections of web development tools on the net. Check it out.
Webedge Server
The Macintosh WWW Developers Conference. The first one was held in April in Austin. The next one is in August in Austin. Are you signed up yet?
Web 66: Cookbook
Stephen Collins has created a Cook Book which walks you through setting up a WWW server on the Macintosh. He covers all the major tools needed to create a great site.
Mac Web Consultants Directory
If your looking for work as a web page developer, be sure to register here. This site is run by Eric Bickford or Brad Schrick.
Brad's WebSTAR / MacHTTP Pages
Brad has kept independent lists of WebSTAR WWW servers since October 1994. Make sure your server is listed there.
The Frequently Asked Questions list for MacHTTP.
Ian's MacHTTP Tools Compendium
Ian Andrew Bell maintains a nice list of Mac Web page development tools. Be sure to check out his Nifty Tricks section.
Macintosh WWW Pointers
YACOMWP - Yet another collection of Mac WWW pointers.
Macintosh Web Programs and Utilities
And one more list of tools and Utilities for Web page developement.

Essential WebMaster Information

Pages that every WebMaster should have on the HotList

machttp-talk mailing list info
Be sure to join this mailing list for the most recent information about WebStar. This list is one of the best resources for the up and coming WebMaster.
Searchable MacHTTP-talk Index
A terrific resource! Be sure to look in this index for the answer to your questions before posting to the MacHTTP-Talk list.
MacScripting mailing list
A lot of the power of WebStar comes from its ability to send apple Events to Applescript aware applications. This list is dedicated to getting the most out of AppleScript.
Web 66
Stephen Collins page for K-12 education resources. Contains lots of useful information about tutorials aimed at beginning WebMasters.
Apple-Internet-Users Home Page
Apple Business System division runs this mailing list for and about users of Macintosh Internet Tools.
Announcing Your Site
When your ready to launch your site, follow these and you will have a nice solid stream of traffic to your site in no time.
U Texas Mac Archive
Chris Johnson runs this great archive of all the macintosh freeware, shareware and demo software on the net. This site has the best user interface of any of the site archives.
INFO-MAC HyperArchive ROOT
Stanford University maintains the grandaddy of all the mac ftp archives. While their ftp site can be very hard to get into, this index will take you straight to the software you need.
The Cross-Platform Page
A terrific resource for finding out obscure information about file formats and other challenges faced by those of us that sometimes have to leave the comfort of our Mac.

Tools for Mac Web Development

Lots 'o tools for making your server the best on the net.

MacWWW - CGI Applications
Jon Wiederspan's Excellent guide to Mac Based CGI applications. Jon updates it constantly so be sure to check it often.
MacHTTP (Webstar) Home Page
Home Page for the WWW server for the Mac. This page is maintained by Chuck Shotton, the guy that wrote MacHTTP.
Webstar (Starnine) Home Page
Home page for the commercial version of the WWW server for the Macintosh.
Maxum Home Page
Maxum Development is the home of NetCloak and NetForms, professional MacHTTP add-on tools for building creative WWW servers.
Matterform Media
Home of HTML grinder and the Qbullets. Lots of interesting ideas for home page development.
Butler/Web Demo & CGI
World-Wide Web interface to Butler SQL databases that lets you create a set of forms that allow your users to query, update, insert, and delete records.
MapServe Home Page
MapServe is a image mapping CGI program for use with MacHTTP or WebSTAR. It is written by Kelly Campbell.
WebMap reads GIF and PICT files, and allows you to draw out the various graphic primitives (rectangle, circle, and polygon) that represent the hot areas on an html image map. It makes creating clickable maps on your server a snap.
Astrobyte: Quark Express HTML Translator
BeyondPress automates many steps involved in exporting the contents of a QuarkXPress document to an HTML file.
Mailform CGI
Mail the response to a form back to yourself. Quick and easy.
FileMaker Pro CGI
FileMaker Pro CGI allows forms-based searching and adding of records to Filemaker Pro databases
Diana Oswald's Filemaker Pro / E-mail cgi
This cgi will take the data from a form, enter it into a Filemaker Pro database, and send an E-mail message to the person entering the data with whatever text you wish the message to contain.
Net.Dreams - Redirect
Redirect is a cgi which will attempt to redirect bad URLs to the intended documents.
WebStar Apple Guide
Apple Guide Help file for WebStar.
AppleSearch ACGI 1.5.1 Home Page
Provides a mechanism for users to make their AppleSearch information sources available to others on the World Wide Web
Very interesting collection of Hypercard based tools from U Cal Berkley. Be sure to look at The Web-Crawler and Meta-forms.
FIRST VIRTUAL Bridge Home Page
Sell your information, services and products on the World Wide Web without requiring customers to mail a check or e-mail a creditcard number. Using this CGI funds are transferred directly from their First Virtual account to yours.

Web Page Design

Take a look at these pages to get great ideas for your site
Remember to only steal from the best...

Cool Site of the Day
If your luck or just very good, you may be included on this page. But be warned, have your server in good shape because a link here can generate 100k hits a day.
David Siegel's High Five Award
Very Impressive site dedicated to good HTML page design. David has some cool ideas about designing web pages.
Inter@ctive Age Top 25 Web Sites
A list of the best sites on the net. Check it out... our site (www.info.apple.com) was listed number 7.
Whole Internet Catalog Top 25
Ed Kroll wrote a book back before time began (1992) and this is the twenty-five most-accessed resource listings over the past week.
GNN Best of the Net Honoreešs
O'Rielly and Associates GNN maintains a list of the top web sites. Check em out for ideas on how to design your own page.
Worst Web Sites
Humorous list of the worst sites on the net. Make sure your site doesn't show up here.
The Best of WWW Contest
University of Buffalo ran the first web design contest. Check out what they think are the best pages on the net.

HTML Guides and Tutorials

HTML has more in common with WordStar (cir. 1979) than with MacWrite (cir 1984)

The HTML Writers Guild Homepage
This guild is intended to revive the spirit of the old medieval guilds. With members helping members create good pages in a master/apprentice type of environment.
Crash course on writing documents for the Web
A Beginner's Guide to HTML
Composing Good HTML
A very good style guide to HTML.
How to write HTML files
HTML Specification Version 3.0
HTML Developer's JumpStation
Meta Index of HTML editing tutorials.
Very basic HTML Authoring course designed by the University of Saskatchewan.
Yale C/AIM WWW Style Manual
Introduction to HTML documentation
HTML Overview from O'Reilly's GNN
A Field Guide to Home Pages
The Beginners WWW Index v1.0
HTML Quick Reference (2/14/95)
The World Wide Web- tools for aspiring web weavers
Guides to Writing HTML Documents

Interesting Web Dev Related Sites

There are lots of cool ideas out on the net... here are a few.

SurfWatch Home Page
Software which helps parents, educators andemployers reduce the risk of children and others uncovering sexually explicit material on the Internet
The Internet Index
The Web Developer's Virtual Library
Overview of HTTP
GNN I-Media Center
Cross-platform QuickTime
Information about using Apples Quicktime to add video clips to your web page.
World Wide Web Research
WWW Servers Comparison Chart
Home pages of top 1000 US companies
Home Page links for the top 1000 North Americancompanies by U.S. sales. Interesting that less than 100 even have a web page.
Macjordomo Home Page
Running A WWW Service - Title
WebStone Benchmarking Program
Terisa Systems
RealAudio Homepage
Third International World-Wide Web Conference

Newsletters and Informational Sites

Pages that help you stay current

Macintosh Online Magazine Archive
Macintosh-Based World Wide Web Starter Kit
The Web Developer's Journal
"Internet News"
Mac Net Journal
Netsurfer Communications
NCT Web Magazine
WEBster, the Cyberspace Surfer
WEBster Master List
Macintosh Online Magazine Archive
Internet Conference Calendar

Misc Fun Sites

A Couple of fun pages that don't belong anywhere else

The Websurfer's Handbook
Check out the Web-to-English Dictionary. Add your own terms
Guide to Cyberspace 6.1: Contents

Special thanks to Carl DeCordova for compiling this list.

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