Visitor Comments for 1997

@ 12/28/96 12:49:03 Shari Hrris
reach me at: harris4@net.airmail

I say..
I liked your page (I did enjoy it.) I was trying to find a picture of the I Love You sign. Do you know where I might find one?

@ 12/28/96 18:24:59 jane smith
reach me at:

I say..
Where is the AM Sign Lang dictionary that is supposed to be here?!!!

@ 12/28/96 20:03:15 Sherry
reach me at:

I say..
WOW!! I am really impressed with your web site. What a great job! You have every reason to be truly proud of your work.

@ 12/29/96 07:33:52 Higgins
reach me at:

I say..
We camw upon your page while in AOL Reference and trying to access the American Sign Languiage dictionary. Thanks to your comment book, we know that we're not the first "guests" to do so. Happy new year

@ 12/30/96 23:28:00 Shauna Fackler
reach me at:

I say..
Thank you so much for some simple instructions to sign language. I have an eight year old son who has always been interested in signing. I taught him some animal and food signs about 5 years ago and he still remembers them. He now wants to try to carry on a converstion of sorts. I think this will be a lot of help. Thanks again, Shauna Fackler

@ 12/31/96 02:26:18 smw
reach me at: smw8226

I say..
still looking for asl dict. where is it

@ 01/04/97 14:10:44 Angela
reach me at:

I say..
hi!....Looking for anything about sign language...where should I look???? Thanks and Happy New Year to everyone!!!!

@ 01/06/97 19:43:34 Michelle Hofferber
reach me at:

I say..
I truely enjoyed looking through your pages. I found the information very helpful. I am a interpreter and enjoy learning new and wonderful things about Deaf Culture:)

@ 01/09/97 11:41:20 Ami
reach me at:

I say..
I like your page it is cool.

@ 01/09/97 12:58:52 Ami
reach me at:

I say..
You page has a lot to offer someone who wants to learn Sign Language

@ 01/10/97 04:37:17 Wim Van Nieuwenhoven
reach me at:

I say..
The world is but a fantasy; we fantasise it'd real; fantasising we make reality; making our fantasies real. Wim

@ 01/10/97 18:41:28 Julie Gentry
reach me at:

I say..
Linked here from AOL. Excellent site. One question, though. Is that really the layout for your actual house? WOW! I'm envious .

@ 01/11/97 11:59:48 David Sylvester
reach me at:

I say..
Hi. This is a great site which I have only begun to explore. I'll be back!

@ 01/12/97 21:51:34 Chammarra wasan
reach me at:

I say..
I love to sew.I'am in yhe mist of making mittens and I am glad there is someone else who likes to sew too

@ 01/31/97 09:26:14 Mari G.
reach me at:

I say..
The colors used on are too hard to see and read. Please make test a much lighter color than the background. I will return to visit again when I can see what I'm reading!!! thanx!

@ 01/31/97 17:34:53 Troy Curtis
reach me at:

I say..
I enjoyed your page. I am a student of Broadcast Business and Production. Your page on TV is good. Also I enjoyed your Bible search page. I am a Christian and do a lot of Bible study. I will be back to visit again.

@ 02/01/97 05:54:03 Jan
reach me at:

I say..
I would like information on Religious signs. The dictionary I have doesn't even have the word "Pray" in it. Could you provide me with some religious signs? I'd like to sign songs for our church.

@ 02/02/97 09:09:12 Cecilia Lagos
reach me at:

I say..
Thank you for inviting me into your home, really appreciate the ideas and how to's I received from your sewing room. Hope to come again.

@ 02/03/97 07:15:07 Frances H. Miller
reach me at:

I say..
I cannot link with the pages listed under recipies. I get the message "You are not in my access file. Goodbye". How do I get access and get into their access file.

@ 02/04/97 09:18:43 LAURA J. SPRADLIN

I say..

@ 02/07/97 18:29:15 Avalanche MacPacker
reach me at:

I say..
Hi - I'm interested in Deaf culture, and I'm learning sign in school. If you have any tips for me or would like to talk, sign my book with your email at and tell me that you're from the ASL page...thanks! BTW Wonderful page!

@ 02/08/97 07:56:38 Thomas
reach me at:

I say..
I like your dictionary and will use it alot in the near future. I'm just starting a class in ASL and your dictionary will help out alot while studing at home. Thanks again,Tom

@ 02/08/97 20:48:37 First Baptist Deaf Mission
reach me at:

I say..
Thanks for you page...We appriciate your love and interest in the Deaf World. Come and visit us at the First Baptist Deaf Mission at

@ 02/11/97 16:20:12 Allie
reach me at:

I say..
Great job on your homepage, I'm working on one myself and I know how much work and time go into one. Keep up the good work.

@ 02/12/97 10:59:21 Caryn Castle
reach me at:

I say..
I have been browsing the web for only a short time, but your pages are some of the best and most help- ful yet!!! I will vist here often!

@ 02/15/97 11:52:33 Pat Roper
reach me at: par@slv.bbs

I say..
I am look for things on disabilities son I can help other people like me. Thank you for you time in helping us.

@ 02/16/97 17:44:01 Lynne Horton
reach me at:

I say..
I really enjoyed your site,especially the craft projects.

@ 02/17/97 10:33:28 Lisette
reach me at:

I say..
I enjoyed this page, ang so did all my friends!!!

@ 02/18/97 05:06:26 Sandi Terbeek
reach me at:

I say..
5 cup recipe brought back alot of happy childhood memories. My aunt always had that on the table whenever we went to visit. I would always get so excited to go and visit her.

@ 02/23/97 16:20:43 Catalina
reach me at:

I say..
Thank you so much for this ASESOME Web Page!! I am an ASL lover, and try to read all I can about it. This was the best site yet! It was very helpful with a report I am doing on ASL. Thanks again! Sincerly, Catalina

@ 02/25/97 15:11:43 Jamie Grand
reach me at:

I say..
It is nice to see something so informative and easy to use on the web.

@ 02/25/97 19:37:10 Andy Saputo
reach me at:

I say..
Great page! Take a look at mine and let me know what you think.

@ 03/09/97 11:38:03 Gina Brown
reach me at:

I say..
What a clever page. I am new on the web and your page was very interesting and informative. You must take a real pleasure in this. Loved the craft ideas. I'm thinking about trying the cookie plate myself but w/ bunnies for Easter.

@ 03/09/97 12:59:17 irene van soelen
reach me at:

I say..
I am just learning to surf the net. I came upon your page because I am looking for a recipe for beef barley soup. I enjoyed visiting your home.

@ 03/10/97 16:00:46 Rachael Geslison
reach me at:

I say..
this is a really cool page I am trying to learn sign right now and this is good practice thanks

@ 03/10/97 16:11:26 Jillian Margret Thompson
reach me at:

I say..
i'm in the 4th grade and i have a deaf girl in my class. her name is Anna. we have a sign language club!! were we learn signs. the teacher who runs this is anna's interprter. so we can talk to anna i know the abc's all the numbers, animals, colors, verbs and lots of other things. well let me get to the point! were supposed ( mind my spelling) to have a party

@ 03/11/97 04:56:06 Allie
reach me at:

I say..
Great homepage, the layout is great. My homepage is at

@ 03/11/97 06:18:52 John W Dudley
reach me at:

I say..
I was born and raised by deaf parents and granparents and a long list of deaf relatives. I really appreciate this page you have. Please, won't you visit my page at and tell me how I could improve on it.

@ 03/12/97 07:05:29 Darlene Rozelle
reach me at:

I say..
Thank you so much for all the work putting your web page together. I appreciate your attention to detail I have bookmarked and will return often. God Bless Darlene

@ 03/17/97 19:14:14 Shelly Rosewood
reach me at:

I say..
This site is really neat! How clever! Glad to see the ASL...

@ 03/20/97 15:26:40 Amy
reach me at: aes@clemsonedu

I say..
Thanks for this web page. You have provided much entertainment for me. So much, that I have you saved as a bookmark. Thanks for the great recipes!!

@ 03/21/97 16:07:32 Mei-Li Pimmel
reach me at:

I say..
Hi! I haven't seen your webbage yet, but i will be sure to check it out. I am a profoundly deaf person and I do wear hearing aids, but i use a great deal of lipreading. Do you know how I can find a page on like Heather Whitestone? I would be most Interested!

@ 03/22/97 06:19:19 Lynne
reach me at:

I say..
I loved the Kitchen Area and the recipes. I could spend hours there! One note, could you get the page where you select the recipe type then it jumps to the actual recipes, to stay where you left off at. Presently you have to scroll all the way through the list again to find where you left off. Just an idea!

@ 03/22/97 18:31:30 Sandy
reach me at:

I say..
This is one of the best sites I have visited. I love the kitchen. Am always looking for new receipes. Thanks

@ 03/27/97 16:28:51 Dsewlady
reach me at:

I say..
I liked your page, have you seen mine? Dsewlady's sewing page I have a new sewing chat room too, on fridays at 9:00am PST and 6:00pm PST just follow the link from my homepage.

@ 04/02/97 07:01:11 Cassandra Hicks
reach me at:

I say..
I have 3 boys and would like to teach them some sewing and crafts but can't find many "boy" things. I would like some help; cross stitch, crochet, sew, et al.

@ 04/08/97 07:17:51 Travis R Grant
reach me at:

I say..
Nice site. I like the idea of the house design to help surf through your site. I wanted to do that but it didn't happen. Please stop by my place at

@ 04/08/97 13:46:25 Mark Strevens
reach me at:

I say..
I work in Stroud, Glos, England. Looking and Learning! Will come back when I've taken in the house. Sofa better be comfy - I've come a long way!

@ 04/08/97 13:58:29 Betty J Smith
reach me at:

I say..
I just happened into your site looking for a recipe and had a wonderful time looking at crafts and sewing and cooking Great job..

@ 04/08/97 16:56:51 Yuna Huh
reach me at:

I say..
Neat recipies! I can't wait to try the sourdough bread...

@ 04/08/97 19:54:52 Dawn L. LaFleur
reach me at: MDSD@AOL.COM

I say..
I was a little confused about some of the crafts i.e. the cross-stitch greetings. The instructs. were very vage. Did I miss something?? Please help.. there are alot of great crafts that I would love the instructs. for so that i may do them myself...thank-you

@ 04/12/97 21:06:00 Cathy E. Stastny
reach me at: or

I say..
I would like to share with you if do you have a crafts and arts. My mom is own her busniess with crafts and arts. If you can contach her and her e-mail is IF do you have a catalogs or booklets or etc?? Send me as my address is 3650 Orchard Ave. Apt. #102, Omaha, NE. 68107 Many thanks! Cathy S.

@ 04/13/97 14:23:39 staci
reach me at:

I say..
great page

@ 04/14/97 08:59:22 Diane Benoit
reach me at:

I say..
this is a wonderful site. And too much to see in one sitting. I have to come back many times to explore all. Thank you.

@ 04/21/97 09:17:19 Nan
reach me at:

I say..
Very hard to read your home page colors..otherwise love it!!

@ 04/25/97 19:26:56 Oliver Wallace
reach me at:

I say..
When your cooking from scratch is it better to use corn oil or just a regular cooking spray?

@ 04/26/97 07:09:18 susan wright
reach me at:

I say..
dissapointed that the real contents could not be seen in a room setting. thought that virtual reality meant almost real. i have tried all ways to access a video type showing of the house but can only manage to find the plan and lists of contents.

@ 04/28/97 15:33:01 Regina Taylor
reach me at:

I say..
Wow this is neat. I sure enjoyed looking through here. I teach a deaf boy in high school and found so helpful things. Thanks

@ 05/07/97 06:48:43 Lisa Lemons
reach me at:

I say..
I think that your web page is really neat. I really like the page that has the Bible. Great Job!

@ 05/09/97 08:11:19 Allie
reach me at:

I say..
Great homepage! I really enjoyed it. Stop in and see mine sometime at

@ 05/09/97 21:59:38 Vicky
reach me at: ferret1@sprynet

I say..
I like your web site, a lot of diversity! If you like ferrets come and visit mine.

@ 05/16/97 13:44:33 Dawn Maniatis
reach me at:

I say..
I like the remodeling job! Will check back again to see your progress! Have a great life! (Better than "have a nice day")! ! ! !

@ 05/16/97 13:44:41 Dawn Maniatis
reach me at:

I say..
I like the remodeling job! Will check back again to see your progress! Have a great life! (Better than "have a nice day")! ! ! !

@ 05/16/97 22:28:22 Nicole
reach me at:

I say..
I think you have a lovely home, my only comment is that I think the library needs expansion. I also have an idea for the library: there are many sites on the web that are overlooked, but are far more ineresting than the usual meet people/make money pages. A list of enlightening, humorous NICE pages for intelligent people might be a perfect addition to the library. One place I recommend is the desiderata at ( Have Fun!

@ 05/17/97 13:17:42 Jason Thompson
reach me at:

I say..
I'd like to say thanks,I truly miss my deaf girlfriend,since we broke up. I am also deaf,but not born deaf. I would wish others knew the struggle the deaf must go thur. Especialy those hearing people who employ the deaf. Thanks.

@ 05/17/97 18:54:36 Cathy Ivins
reach me at:

I say..
I direct a children's sign language choir in Bucks County PA called "Sign-Sation". I was excited to find your page and am adding a link to it in Sign-Sation's homepage:

@ 05/19/97 11:35:18 Homer Simpson
reach me at: sorry, not available

I say..
This is the best page on the internet. Its really great. I think you should set up signlanguage museums in every town, in every country on every continent in the world. Ha HA HA I love sign language and I hope you do 2. 4 a fun time go to You should have a chat room. Remember to do your homework and to watch the show after Luz Clarita. Its really interesting. Kinda like bananas and apples. They really cool/

@ 05/19/97 11:42:06 Cynthia Kormkilony
reach me at:

I say..
Hi! This is the coolest site. Whateva u do don't make fun of my last name!!!!!!!!

@ 05/21/97 06:25:19 Thomas C. Ferguson
reach me at:

I say..
I really enjoyed your architectural style format. In your fonts, you must have one composed of ASL letters. Am I right?

@ 05/25/97 15:10:23 Lisa
reach me at:

I say..
The depth of the information contained in your pages is amazing. I particularly enjoyed the sign language information and gazing through the hundreds of fonts. I am looking forward to visiting from time to time to see what else you two have been up to!

@ 06/06/97 03:57:11 Tabitha Groat
reach me at:

I say..
Thank You for the ASL dictionary. I've always been interested in learning... Also, you're "homepage" is cool - a unique idea!

@ 06/11/97 06:37:45 Susan Falkenthal
reach me at:

I say..
I would like to know where I can continue to take ASL classes near the area where I live (Woodbridge, Virginia). I have already taken a year of ASL. I am comfortable with the language and use it to communicate with a woman I met just a year ago. Also, I would like to know how I can make ASL a part of my daily life.

@ 06/11/97 18:31:50 Catherine Chilewski
reach me at:

I say..
Your web site has been a pleasent surprise..and very informative Of special interest to me is sewing and crafts along with searching out long lost dead kin..most of my time is spent in surfing the web for research projects However, it was very pleasent to find your site. The graphics are very well done and the site is set up in easy format. Thank you....

@ 06/11/97 18:33:51 Catherine Chilewski
reach me at:

I say..
Your web site has been a pleasant surprise..and very informative Of special interest to me is sewing and crafts along with searching out long lost dead kin..most of my time is spent in surfing the web for research projects However, it was very pleasant to find your site. The graphics are very well done and the site is set up in easy format. Thank you....

@ 06/12/97 20:55:11 Tony Mahung
reach me at: amahung

I say..
Keep up great work !

@ 06/29/97 21:28:19 Trista
reach me at:

I say..
I think this is an incredible project. I have longed to learn sign language, and have never found a book or other reference to study at home. Congradulations on an exellent site.

@ 08/03/97 19:39:32 Susan
reach me at:

I say..
What an interesting site! I'll come back ofter and see what's going on!

@ 08/03/97 21:36:40 Carol Debaecke
reach me at:

I say..
This is a wonderful website!! So many places of interest, and so much to see and learn! I will visit often!

@ 08/08/97 15:25:54 Tammy Nawrocki
reach me at:

I say..
Your website is wonderful...I am a new internet user and this is the most helpful and easy site that I have found. Great Job!

@ 08/13/97 08:37:16 rose jenkins
reach me at:

I say..
hey i think it is neat that you have this page , because i,m going to school to learn how communate with asl as a forgein langause, instead of talking spainsh, im too old to speak

@ 08/30/97 19:10:35 James
reach me at:
@ 08/30/97 19:11:15 James
reach me at:

I say..
What an interesting site!

@ 09/01/97 14:51:33 Jan Washington
reach me at:

I say..
Your site is terrific as is your "house." Our youngest child just graduated from college so my husband and I are going to down-size shortly. My thought (because I also love to cook and we do entertain a lot) is a house to be built as follows: A very huge but well designed kitchen, 3-4 bathrooms, and 1 bedroom. My husbands question is: How do we sell when we want to? Oh well - just add another wing. (Laugh,laugh).

@ 09/04/97 13:20:58 Erma L. Price
reach me at:

I say..
I really appreciate this area. I needed help with finding help for a little deaf boy. I found it here. Thank You.

@ 09/09/97 09:07:04 Guin Reese
reach me at:

I say..
I like your style!

@ 09/15/97 14:20:43 Cheryl Henson
reach me at:

I say..
This is such a "cute" concept. Thank you so very much for being here

@ 09/18/97 09:14:43 Richard Hair
reach me at:

I say..
Please dont squeeze the Charmain!

@ 09/28/97 12:00:18 RWSPRESS
reach me at:

I say..
Visiting your site was like visiting a big house with many cozy rooms in it ! Keep up the good work ! Please feel free to visit the Real World Success Web Site. Real World Success provides Professional Development

@ 10/11/97 18:39:24 elaine bivin
reach me at:

I say..
i really appreciate your home page. I was really excited that you all are Christians and have a desire to know sign language. I am also on both counts. The Lord Bless You Both.

@ 10/11/97 20:42:37 Clara
reach me at:

I say..
I am a senior in high school and I volunteer twice a week in a M.H. class where there is a deaf child. He does not know sign language and that is what I am attempting to teach him. But since I don't know it either, it has been a learning experience for us both. I love your web site and have already bookmarked it for future use.

@ 10/19/97 16:03:32 Ron Hewitt
reach me at:

I say..
I am a retired navyman, now a free lance writer, I graduated from a food service school - sourdough cooking and baking) "Love" this web site. Lord do I love food. I work evenings as a lead custodian - my day job until I can make enough on my own through writing so I don't have to work anymore. Thanks so much for this wonderful "Kitchen". I hope you and your family and friends all have a wonderful and safe holiday season. God bless from our house to yours.

@ 10/21/97 17:49:20 Jan Rayford
reach me at:

I say..
I have always been interested in learning ASL because of its beauty. I hope to be able to find a class this winter quarter. I am sure this site will be a help in studying.

@ 10/26/97 16:42:06 Jenny
reach me at:

I say..
I loved your sewing room. Your wife has some VERY creative ideas! ( I loved the button buddies!)

@ 10/26/97 16:47:15 Jenny
reach me at:

I say..
i also love the fact that you are Christians.The Lord has really blessed you.

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