From:           Joel Ehrlich ,InterNet
  Subject:        COLLECTION: Curry Powders/Garam Masala 

 Here are several recipes for curry powder plus a small collection of
 recipes for garam masala.

 Curry Powder    No. 2392                               Yields 2 Teaspoons

   1/4 tsp       Cinnamon, Ground         1/2 tsp       Turmeric, Ground
   1/8 tsp       Cardamom, Ground         1/4 tsp       Cumin, Ground
   1/8 tsp       Coriander, Ground        1/2 tsp       Cayenne
   1/4 tsp       Ginger, Ground

This is a "standard" red curry.
It is intended as the basis for experimentation.
Combine all the ingredients.
Mix thoroughly.
Use immediately.

 Curry Powder    No. 2393                               Yields 2 Tablespoon

 1 1/2 tsp       Turmeric, Ground         1/2 tsp       Cumin, Ground
 1 1/4 tsp       White Pepper, Ground     1/2 tsp       Black Pepper, Ground
     1 tsp       Fenugreek, Ground        1/2 tsp       Dried Sweet Basil
     1 tsp       Ginger, Ground                         Leaves
     1 tsp       Cayenne, Ground
   3/4 tsp       Coriander, Ground

This is a "HOT" red curry.
It is intended as a starting point for creating other curries.
Combine the ingredients.
Mix well.
Use immediately.

 Roasted Curry Powder    No. 3139                        Yields

   1/4 Cup       Cumin, Ground              6 1 Inch    Pieces, Rampa
     2 Tbls      Fennel Seeds                           (Pandanus Leaf)
     3 Tbls      Coriander Powder           3 1 Inch    Pieces, Cinnamon Stick
    25           Curry Leaves               1 Tbls      Dried Red Chiles,
    10           Cardamom Pods,                         Crushed
                 Crushed                    1 Tbls      Mustard Seed
     6           Whole Cloves
     1 Tbls      Black Pepper, Ground

Dry roast the ingredients separately over medium low heat, in the order listed
in the ingredients.
NOTE: The mustard seeds will pop when they heat, keep a lid on the pan.
Stir in the coriander and cumin.
Cook until the spices start to turn brown.
Add the rest of the ingredients.
Roast for 7 minutes, stirring continuously.
Remove from the heat.
Grind while still warm, using a spice mill or mortar and pestle.
NOTE: The powder must be ground VERY fine.
Store in an airtight bottle.

 Garam Masala - Punjabi Style    No. 3077                Yields

 2 1/2 Tbls      Green Cardamom Pods    1 1/2 Tbls      Whole Cloves
     4 Tbls      Cumin Seeds                2 3"        Cinnamon Sticks
     5 Tbls      Coriander Seeds            1           Bay Leaf
   1/4 tsp       Ajowan Seeds             1/4 tsp       Ginger, Ground
   1/4 tsp       Mace, Ground               1 Tbls      Nutmeg, Ground
     2 Tbls      Black Peppercorns

Toast the green cardamom pods, cumin seeds, coriander seeds and ajowan seeds
in a wide, heavy bottomed pan, stirring occasionally until they brown and
begin to release their fragrance (5-7 minutes).
Place in a mortar, spice grinder or blender.
Add the peppercorns, cloves, cinnamon sticks and bay leaf.
Grind to a fine powder.
Add the mace, ginger and nutmeg.
Mix thoroughly.
Place in a glass container.
Cover tightly.

 Garam Masala (Northern India)    No. 3040               Yields

     5 Pods      Cardamom                   3 3" Sticks Cinnamon
   1/3 Cup       Whole Cumin                8           Whole Cloves
   1/4 Cup       Whole Coriander
   1/2 Cup       Whole Black Pepper

Remove the small black seeds from the cardamom pods.
Discard the cardamom husks.
Combine the cardamom seeds with the remaining ingredients in a spice grinder.
NOTE: You may crush them using a mortar and pestle if you wish.
Store in a tightly covered glass jar.
May be frozen.

 Garam Masala    No. 3039                                Yields

     1 tsp       Coriander Seed             1 sm Piece  Cinnamon Stick
     1 tsp       Cumin Seed                 4           Whole Cloves
    10           Black Peppercorns        1/4 tsp       Cayenne
     8 Pods      Cardamom, Peeled

Preheat the oven to 250 degrees.
Place the spices in a muffin tin.
Roast the spices until they become aromatic (about 15 minutes).
Remove from the oven.
Let cool.
Grind into a fine powder using a mortar and pestle.
Store in a covered jar.
~~~ Vilma N. Chantiles

 Garam Masala    No. 3038                                Yields

     1 small     Nutmeg, Whole              1 tsp       Peppercorns
 1 1/2 Tbls      Cardamom, Green Pods       1 tsp       Cumin Seeds
     4 1 Inch    Cinnamon Sticks
     1 Tbls      Whole Cloves

NOTES: All the ingredients MUST be FRESH. DO NOT use bleached white cardamom
pods. Grind the cardamom pods along with the spice. You may use a coffee
grinder (but not one which has been used to grind coffee) or a spice grinder.
Do NOT use one of the coffee grinders which slices (chops) rather than grinds.

Crush the nutmeg coarsely using a mortar and pestle.
Combine with the remaining ingredients.
Place in the feed container of the grinder.
Grind very fine.
Store in an airtight container.
May be frozen.

 Garam Masala (Curry Powder)    No. 2609               Yields 12 Ounces

     4 oz        Cardamom Seeds, Peeled     3 Tbls      Black Cumin
     2 Tbls      Cinnamon, Ground                       Seeds
     2 oz        Cloves, Ground                         (Use Regular
     4 Tbls      Mace, Ground                           Cumin Seeds
     4 Tbls      Coriander Seed                         if they are
     2 oz        Black Peppercorns,                     not available)

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
Roast the cardamom seeds for  1/2 hour - do NOT let them brown.
Remove the pods.
Combine the seeds in a blender or spice grinder along with all the remaining
Grind very fine.
Store in a dark place in a tightly closed jar.

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