MUESLI-1(B)              USENET Cookbook              MUESLI-1(B)
     MUESLI-1 - cold, enriched porridge
     The trouble with buying packaged muesli is that 
it generally
     contains salt and sugar, often in larger quantities 
than you
     might choose for yourself.  Making your own muesli 
is quick
     and easy, and you can change the ingredients and 
alter the
     proportions to suit yourself.
     After a few experiments, I've settled on this recipe:
     3 cups    rolled oats
     1 cup     assorted dried fruit
     1 cup     bran
     1/4 cup   sesame seeds
     1/2 cup   nuts
     3/4 cup   shelled sunflower seeds
     1 cup     banana chips
          (1)  Mix all ingredients together.
          (2)  Serve (about 5 heaped dessert spoons 
seems about
               the right amount) with milk, cream, yoghurt, 
               whatever you like on breakfast cereal. 
 I've heard
               that fruit juice is an alternative, but 
I haven't
               tried it.
     Use your own choice of dried fruits.  I like to 
cut 4 or 5
     pieces of dried apricot into slivers, making up 
the balance
     with sultanas or raisins.  I generally use unsalted 
     but I'm sure most nuts would be fine (how about 
     One word of warning: if you use quick-cooking oats 
     of rolled oats, the result is decidedly mushy.
     Difficulty: easy.  Time: 5 minutes.  Precision: 
No need to
     Stephen Withers
     University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia
     Path: decwrl!recipes
     From: peterm@cadvax.oz (Peter C. Maxwell)
     Subject: RECIPE: Kylie's muesli bars
     Message-ID: <7335@decwrl.DEC.COM>
     Date: 2 Jan 87 04:45:37 GMT
     Sender: recipes@decwrl.DEC.COM
     Organization: University of New South Wales, Sydney, 
     Lines: 57
     Approved: reid@decwrl.UUCP
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