Title: Harrod's Christmas Pudding
 Categories: British, Christmas, Desserts, Fruits, Harned 1994
      Yield: 2 puddings
    1/2 lb Unsalted butter plus about
      2 ts Butter; for greasing molds
  1 1/3 c  Dark brown sugar
      3    Eggs; beaten
      3 tb Dark corn syrup
    2/3 c  Self-rising flour
      1 pn Salt
    1/2 ts Ground cinnamon
    1/2 ts Freshly grated nutmeg
    1/2 ts Apple pie spice
      1    Lemon; juice of
      1    Orange; fine grated rind of
      1    Lemon; fine grated rind of
      4 c  Fresh bread crumbs
  1 1/3 c  Golden raisins
  1 1/3 c  Raisins
  1 1/3 c  Currants
    1/3 c  Chopped mixed citrus peel
           -- (2 ounces)
    1/4    To 1/2 cup brandy

--------------------JUST BEFORE SERVING-------------------------
           Garnish with holly
           Ignite with brandy
  Thickly butter and dust with flour two 1-quart molds (or dome-shaped
  china, ceramic or glass bowls).  Set aside.
  Beat the 1/2 lb. butter until soft.  Add sugar and beat until fluffy.
  Gradually beat in the eggs and syrup.
  Sift flour with salt and spices; fold into the butter mixture with the
  lemon juice, grated rinds, bread crumbs, fruits, mixed peel and
  Spoon mixture into the 2 prepared molds.  If molds don't have lids,
  cover each with a circle of waxed paper, then a piece of foil pleated
  across the center and securely tied in place.  Leave overnight in
  Put molds in a large saucepan with enough water to come halfway up the
  sides of the molds.  Cover and steam for 5 hours; remove from the
  Let cool completely, then cover with a clean piece of waxed paper and
  a pudding cloth (muslin or closely woven cheesecloth) secured with a
  string and ends of the cloth tied in a knot over the pudding mold.
  Leave in the refrigerator to mature before using.  Before serving,
  steam about 3 hours.  Remove from mold.  Bring to the table blazing
  in 'ignited brandy, and bedight with Christmas holly stuck into the
  Yield: Two 2 lb. puddings.
  From Special Writer Marilyn Kluger's 11/25/92 "A Dickens of a Delight:
  Christmas Plum Pudding is a Holiday Treat Straight from Merry Olde
  England" article in "The (Louisville, KY) Courier-Journal."  Pg. C7.
  Typed for you by Cathy Harned.

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