Title: Mandarine Rice
 Categories: Australian, Rice
      Yield: 4 servings
    200 ml Raw rice
    550 ml Water
      1    Carrot
      2 tb Olive oill
      2    Mandarines, zest and juice
     40 g  Slivered almonds
    100 g  Sugar
    1/2 ts Saffron threads
      1 tb Sultanas
  This celebratory rice dish is a little fiddly to make the first time,
  so save it for a weekend when you feel like cooking. Its sweetness
  marries very well with savoury foods, from the Middle Eastern braised
  lamb dishes for which it was devised to Indian curries and South-East
  Asian coconut curries.
  Wash 200 mL rice in several changes of water until the water runs
  clear. Then soak the rice in 550 mL water for about an hour. Drain in
  a sieve.
  Cut 1 carrot into fine diagonal slices, then julienne the slices. In a
  large pot which can go from stove top to oven, heat 2 tablespoons of
  olive oil and cook the carrots, stirring, until they are golden, then
  remove from the oil (reserving the oil in the pot) and drain.
  In a saucepan, make a syrup. Zest 2 mandarines then juice them and
  make the juice up to 150 mL with water. Add both zest and liquid to
  the saucepan, together with 40 g slivered almonds, 100g sugar and
  half a teaspoon of saffron threads. Bring to the boil and cook gently
  for about half an hour, stirring often, then add carrots and a
  tablespoon of sultanas and cook, stirring, for a few minutes more.
  The syrup should be quite thick but not burnt. Remove from the heat.
  In the carrot pot, reheat the oil and stir in the drained rice until
  it is transparent. Add 230 mL boiling water and stir gently over a
  low heat till the water has almost gone. Cover the rice with the
  syrup, put on the lid and bake in a 160-170 degree C oven for half an
  hour. Uncover, stir to mix and serve.
  From an article by Meryl Constance in the Sydney Morning Herald,
  6/29/93. Courtesy, Mark Herron.

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