POTATO-PAPRKSH - Hungarian potato paprikash

     (From Cuisines of the world, Exeter Books)

     A hearty dish, good as either a side dish or a vegetarian
     main course.  Suitable for Passover.

INGREDIENTS (Serves 4 as main course)
     4 oz      cooking oil
     2         onions, finely chopped
     1 clove   garlic, crushed
     1/4 tsp   caraway seeds
     1 tsp     paprika
     1-2 cups  water
     4 lbs     potatoes, peeled and sliced thin.
     2         green peppers, seeded and cut into strips
     4         tomatoes, peeled, seeded, and chopped
               salt (You can vary the amount of salt according to

          (1)  In a heavy-bottomed casserole, heat the oil and
               fry the onions and garlic.

          (2)  Add the caraway seeds, paprika, and water.

          (3)  Add the potatoes, peppers, and tomatoes.

          (4)  Simmer for thirty minutes.

     This makes a very good main course or side dish for Pass-

     Difficulty: easy.  Time: 15 minutes preparation, 30 minutes
     cooking.  Precision: no need to measure.

     Evelyn C. Leeper
     AT&T Information Systems
     Middletown, NJ

     Path: decwrl!recipes
     From: oday@hplabsz.hpl.HP.COM (Vicki O'Day)
     Newsgroups: alt.gourmand
     Subject: RECIPE: Bacon potato pie
     Date: 13 May 88 06:11:50 GMT
     Sender: recipes@decwrl.DEC.COM
     Distribution: alt
     Organization: Hewlett Packard Laboratories, Palo Alto, California, USA
     Lines: 65
     Approved: reid@decwrl.dec.com

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