MEAT-PIE-3(M)            USENET Cookbook            MEAT-PIE-3(M)


     MEAT-PIE-3 - Australian baked meat pie

     This recipe is an original creation of my wife, Kerry.

INGREDIENTS (serves 4)
     1/4 lb    butter
     3/4 cup   white flour
     3/4 cup   self-raising flour
               ice cold water
     2 lb      lamb or beef (pre-cooked cubes)
     2         medium brown onions
     1/4 cup   seasoned flour (flour with basil, oregano, and
     1/2 lb    mushrooms
     6         tomatoes
     1         capsicum (green pepper), sliced
     1 cup     breadcrumbs
     1/2 cup   tomato sauce

          (1)  Cut butter and flour with two knives until mixture
               contains particles the size of small peas.

          (2)  Sprinkle with cold water until pastry clings
               together. Shape into ball and place in refrigera-
               tor for 1/2 hour.

          (3)  Roll out to cover pie dish (8 inch).  Leave enough
               pastry for a top.

          (4)  Pre-bake the pie shell for 10 minutes at 350 deg.
               F.  To prevent crust walls from collapsing, fill
               with dry beans for the first five minutes.

          (5)  Make the filling: fry onions and meat, continuing
               until onion is lightly browned. Add flour mix,
               sliced tomatoes, sliced capsicum, tomato sauce and
               breadcrumbs to pan.  Continue until capsicum is
               softened. Add mushrooms and fry for 1 minute more.

          (6)  Place the fried mix into the pre-baked pie shell,
               cover with pastry lid and cook in moderate oven
               for 20 minutes.

          (7)  Serve hot

     Difficulty: moderate.  Time: 30 minutes preparation, 30
     minutes cooking and cooling.  Precision: measure the

     Michael Gigante
     Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne Vic., Australia
     seismo!munnari!cidam.oz!mg    -or- mg%cidam.oz@australia   (CSNET)
     Path: decwrl!recipes
     From: (Heikki Putkonen)
     Newsgroups: alt.gourmand
     Subject: RECIPE: KALAKUKKO (Finnish fish-and-pork pie)
     Date: 8 Jul 88 05:32:02 GMT
     Sender: recipes@decwrl.DEC.COM
     Distribution: alt
     Organization: University of Oulu, Finland
     Lines: 104

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