Title: Flour Tortillas
 Categories: Mexican, Breads
      Yield: 12 servings
      4 c  All purpose flour
  1 1/2 t  Baking powder
  1 1/2 c  Warm water
  1 1/2 t  Salt
      4 T  Lard or shortening
  Combine dry ingredients in a mixing bowl. Cut in shortening. Make a
  well in the center and add water, a small amount at a time, to form a
  dough. Knead dough in bowl until smooth and elastic. Cover and wet
  aside for ten minutes. Form dough into egg-sized balls and flatter
  between palms. With rolling pin, roll each ball into a 6 inch circle,
  about 1/8 inch thick. Cook on preheated ungreased skillet over medium
  high heat, apprx. two min. per side, until tortilla looks slightly
  speckled. Cover with a clean towel to keep warm and soft until
  served. The tortillas may be cooled and stored in plastic bags in the
  freezer for later use.

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