Title: Carne De Cerdo - Lentils with Pork and Bananas
 Categories: Pork
      Yield: 6 servings
      1 tb Olive oil
      1 kg Boneless pork, cubed
      2 lg Onions, chopped
      2    Cloves garlic, minced
      3 lg Tomatoes, diced
    100 ml Boiling water
           Salt and pepper to taste
  1 1/2 c  Brown lentils
      4 c  Water
      4 lg Firm bananas
      3 tb Chopped fresh coriander
  Many years ago, restaurant dining meant fruit with every- thing. Now
  fruit is desperately passe. But it's a mistake to throw out the
  authentic with the spurious. This surprising but satisfying
  combination of ingredients originates in South America.
  In a large saucepan, heat 1 tablespoon olive oil and brown on all
  sides 1 kg cubed boneless pork. Add 2 large onions, chopped, and 2
  cloves of garlic, minced, and brown them. Add 3 large tomatoes,
  diced, 100 mL boiling water and salt and pepper to taste. Cover and
  cook very slowly for about 1 1/2 hour. Meanwhile simmer 1 1/2 cups
  brown lentils in 4 cups water for 45 minutes; do not drain.
  Add the undrained lentils to the pork mixture, combine well, cover
  and cook over a low heat for a further 30 minutes, until both the
  pork and the lentils are tender.
  Taste for seasoning. Add 4 large firm bananas cut into 2 cm pieces
  and 3 tablespoons or more of chopped, fresh coriander. Cook 10
  minutes longer. Serve with a little more coriander scat- tered on
  top. (You can use the coriander stems as well as the leaves, provided
  they are well washed. Finely chopped they add interesting crunch.)

  From an article by Meryl Constance in The Sydney Morning Herald,
  6/1/93. Courtesy Mark Herron.

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