Subj:  Cottage cheese blintzes (unsweet)
From:  Todus

Ingredients: Bletlach (wrapper): 4 eggs, 1 cup flour, 1 cup milk, 1/2 tsp salt.
 Filling: 1 lb cottage cheese (small curd), dash black pepper & lemon juice to taste.

Mix first 4 ingredients in blender. Use 8" nonstick pans, 3 would be good.  Coat pan with
light coating of oil, get hot.  Keep heat at low to medium.  Use 2 T of batter per pan,
cover bottom of pan with a quick wrist action as you would a crepe.  If pan is too warm,
cooking will begin too quickly and you'll require more batter.  Usually the first couple
are washouts and make good cook-rewards. In any case, once a bletlach is cooked, bang it
out of the pan and set aside like a fanned deck of cards on a dishtowel.  If they're stacked,
they'll stick forever.   You'll get about 6 wrappers per egg.

Once the bletlach is done, wrap each one around about 1 oz of the filling mixture. 
Brown both sides (you may want to use larger pans to cook), and put the cooked blintzes
in a casserole with a top in a warming oven.  Once they're all done, serve with a dollop
of sour cream on the side, but don't smother them.

I recommend using twice the recipe to make 60 or so blintzes, since each eater will want
at least 10!

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