ROLLED-COOKIES - Rolled cookies for the Christmas holidays

     I almost never make these cookies except at Christmas time.
     They just seem to be Christmas cookies. (I did make a batch
     of heart shaped ones last Valentine's day for my then-
     fiance.) I usually make these cookies in Christmas shapes
     and frost them with green and red frosting. This is a good
     recipe for kids to help out with.

     1 cup     brown sugar
     1/2 tsp   salt
     1/2 cup   soft butter
     1         egg
     1/2 tsp   vanilla
     1 3/4 cups
               flour, sifted
     1/2 tsp   baking powder
     1/4 tsp   baking soda
     1/4 tsp   cinnamon
     1 1/2 cup confectioners sugar
     1         egg white, slightly beaten
     1 Tbsp    melted butter
     1/8 tsp   salt
     1/2 tsp   vanilla
               food coloring (optional)

          (1)  Mix sugar, salt and butter thoroughly. Add egg and
               vanilla, and beat till fluffy.

          (2)  Sift flour, baking powder, soda, and cinnamon and
               add to mixture.

          (3)  Chill well, several hours, or over night.

          (4)  Make the glaze: mix the glaze ingredients together
               until smooth.

          (5)  Roll the dough out until it is 1/8 inch thick. Cut
               into fancy shapes and bake on ungreased cookie
               sheet for 8-10 minutes at 350 deg. F.  Let cool,
               and glaze.

     It helps to keep most of the dough in the refrigerator while
     you are cutting shapes. It cuts much better when it is cold.

     These are time-consuming and fairly difficult, but worth it.

     Difficulty: moderate.  Time: 30 minutes preparation, over-
     night chill, 1 hour cutting and baking.  Precision: measure
     the ingredients.

     Katherine Rives Albitz
     Purdue University, Computer Science Dept.
     From: ables@mcc.ARPA (King Ables)
     Subject: RECIPE: Rum balls
     Date: 3 Jan 86 03:45:14 GMT
     Organization: Microelectronics Computer Corporation, Austin TX
     Approved: reid@glacier.ARPA

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