LEMON-PIE(D)             USENET Cookbook             LEMON-PIE(D)


     LEMON-PIE - A French dessert cake

     My girlfriend got this recipe when she lived in Paris three
     years ago. In French it is called Tarte au citron.

          PIE CRUST
     3/4 cup   wheat flour
     1/4 lb    butter
     2 Tbsp    water
     1         lemon
     4 Tbsp    butter
     1         egg
     1/2 cup   sugar

          (1)  Preheat the oven to 425 deg. F.

          (2)  Make crust: Mix flour and butter in a food proces-
               sor. Add water and form a dough. Press into a pie

          (3)  Make filling: Grate the lemon peel. Press the
               juice out of the lemon.

          (4)  Melt the butter.

          (5)  Beat the egg with sugar, the melted butter, lemon
               juice and lemon peel.

          (6)  Pour the filling into the pie crust.

          (7)  Bake in oven for about 30 minutes at 425 deg. F.

          (8)  Let the pie cool down.

     If you don't have a food processor, you can use your hands

     Difficulty: Easy to moderate.  Time: 50 minutes.  Precision:
     Measure the ingredients.

     Anders Rantila
     CS Dept, Univ of Linkoping, Sweden
     Path: decwrl!recipes
     From: cgiger@ngp (Charles S. Geiger)
     Newsgroups: mod.recipes
     Subject: RECIPE: Spicy lentil soup
     Date: 8 Aug 86 05:18:57 GMT
     Sender: recipes@decwrl.DEC.COM
     Organization: Universirty of Texas at Austin
     Lines: 50
     Approved: reid@decwrl.UUCP

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