Title: Cheddar Fans
 Categories: Breads, Cheese
      Yield: 4 servings
      5 oz Cheddar; sharp, grated
      1 t  Baking powder
    1/2 c  Butter or shortening
      1 x  Butter; softened
      2 c  Unbleached flour; sifted
      1 t  Salt
    1/2 c  Milk
      1 x  Butter; melted
  Grease the bottoms of 12 muffin pan cups.  Grate the cheese into a
  bowl, if not already grated and set aside.  Sift the flour, baking
  powder and salt into a bowl.  Cut in the shortening with a pastry
  blender or two knives, until the mixture resembles coarse corn meal.
  Make a well in the center of the mixture and add the milk all at once.
   Stir with a fork until the dough forms a ball.  Gently form the
  dough into a ball and put on a lightly floured surface.  Knead it
  lightly with the fingertips 10 or 15 times.  Roll the dough into a 12
  X 10-inch rectangle about 1/4-inch thick.  Cut into 5 strips and
  spread with the softened butter.  Sprinkle four strips with the
  grated cheddar cheese and stack the four on top of one another and
  top with the fifth strip. Cut into 12 equal pieces and place on end
  in the muffin cups. Brush the tops of the rolls with the melted
  butter. Bake at 450 degrees F. for 10 to 15 minutes or until the
  biscuits are golden brown. Serve hot with butter. Makes 1 dozen
  Cheddar Fans.

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