by Liz Waters
Copyright (c) 1992 Liz Waters

 Enjoy these chilly treats as palate cleanser or low fat dessert.. Either way, fruit ices offer a
delightful treat in summer's dog days.

Orange Granita

1 C boiling water
1/3 C sugar
2 C freshly squeezed orange juice
1 tbsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice
1 1/2 tsp. grated orange zest

Stir together boiling water and sugar until sugar is dissolved. Stir in juices and zest. Stir
to blend. Freeze until slushy in a metal freezer tray , then stir briskly and refreeze for 2
hours. Mound in wine glasses and serve.

Tropical Tantalizer Sourbet

1/2 C water
4 tbsp. sugar
 4 sprigs of mint, leaves removed from stalk to yield about 20 mint leaves
2C packed diced fresh pinepple
4 tbsp. light run

Combine water, sugar and mint leaves in a small pan. Simmer ten minutes and then
cool completely. Stir in pinapple and rum. Process until pulpy in a blender or food
processor. Process in an ice cream freezer according to manufacturer's instructions.
Serves 4

Cantaloupe - Midori Sorbet

1 C water
1/2 C sugar
1/2 ripe cantaloupe
1/4 C fresh lemon juice
3 tbsp. Midori liqueur
cantaloupe and honeydew balls to garnish
sprigs of mint

Make a syrup by combining the water and sugar in a saucepan. Bring to a boil. Cool.
PUree the melon in a food processor or blender. Combine syrup, melon, lemon juice
and Midori. Freeze in ice cream freezer. Garnish with melon balls and mint sprigs.

Ruby  Red Grapefruit Granita
1 1/2 C Ruby Red grapefruit sections
1 C hot water
3/4 C sugar
1 tsp. grated grapefruit zest

Cut up the grapefruit sections and remove as much white connective tissue as possible.
Puree in a blender or food processor and strain if desired. Blend hot water with sugar
and zest, stirring until sugar is dissolved. Combine and freeze in ice cream freezer
according to manufacturer's instructions.  Attractive when grouped with orange granita.

Cherry Sorbet

1 C water 
1/2 C sugar
1 1/2 pound fresh pitted cherries
1/4 C lemon juice
2 tbsp. diced maraschino cherries
1 tbsp. cherry brandy

Combine the water, sugar and pitted cherries in a non-corrosive saucepan and bring to a
obil. Simmer for five mintues. Remove from heat and cool. PUree the mixture in a food
processor or blender and strain to remove cherry skins. Combine the cherry mixture
with lemon juice and cherry brandy. Freeze in ice cream freezer, according to
manufacturer's instructions. When almost set, fold in maraschino cherries and finish

Moving into Fall Apple Cider Ice

4-5 Granny Smith or STayman winesap apples, cored and quartered
1 1/3 C unsweetened apple cider
1/2 C water
1/4 C sugar
1/4 tsp. grated cinnamon
1/8 tsp. grated nutmeg
juice of one lemon

Combine the apples with 1/4 C of the cider in a noncorrosive saucepan. Bring to a boil
and simmer for five minutes. Stir in water and sugar until sugar dissolves. Add
cinnamon and nutmeg. Stir to blend.  Remove from heat and cool. Put through a food
mill or puree and strain. Stir in remaining cider and lemon juice. Freeze in ice cream
freezer according to freezer instructions.

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